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Harnessing Nature’s Power:

Harnessing Nature’s Power:

The Advanced Science of TEONE

Every day, we unknowingly come into contact with chemicals in our food, air, and products many of which have not been proven safe. TEONE offers a trusted solution. Through premium natural ingredients and advanced biotechnology, TEONE creates health products that actively protect and nourish your body. With a focus on delivering the highest standard of care, TEONE supports your long-term well-being—naturally. Discover TEONE today and take the first step toward a healthier future.

Our journey starts with a why.

OUR STORY click-here
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Our Modern Living,
Gold Standard.

At TEONE, we develop products with complete transparency, scientific care, and safety. Backed by research and produced in GMP, HACCP, ISO22000, BPOM, and HALAL MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia)-certified facilities, our products meet the highest standards. We believe in empowering health through education, partnering with doctors, phsyicians, researchers, and you to build a healthier future.

  • Logo image for Fully Certified & Clinically Tested Fully Certified & Clinically Tested
  • Logo image for Physicians Approved Physicians Approved
  • Logo image for 100% Natural 100% Natural
  • Logo image for Faster Absorption Rate Faster Absorption Rate
  • Logo image for Finner Peptide Technology Finner Peptide Technology
"Anda Adalah Apa yang Anda Makan, Minum, Pikirkan, Hirup, Serap— Dan Tidak Eliminasi."

TEONE is the creation of Prof. Dr. Erdawati and her team, experts in analytical and environmental chemistry. Driven by her passion for research and education, she became deeply concerned about the growing cases of chronic diseases. Her research revealed the harmful impact of modern environmental factors such as pollutants, pesticides, refined sugars, and unregulated chemicals in everyday products—on public health.



Mr. Budi Setiadi

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Oxygen Saturation

Pengidap Covid

Saya terkena covid hingga kesulitan bernafas dan saturasi oksigen cuman 80. Hanya dengan 1 sachet betterdays, selama 30 menit saturasi sudah naik hingga 90.

Mr. Fung

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Weight Loss, Lower Tension

Overweight dan Tensi Tinggi

Saya overweight dan memiliki detak jantung dan tensi yang tinggi selama 5 tahun. Setelah konsumsi 1 box betterdays, BB saya turun 9kg dan tensi saya normal 120/90. Terimakasih TBO-

Mrs. Bingbing

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Female

Benefit Standouts:
Lower Cholesterol

Terkena Kebocoran Ginjal

Saya mengalami kebocoran ginjal akibat obat kolesterol dan hipertensi sehingga sering nyeri pinggang dan perut. Setelah mencoba 1 box Betterdays kolesterol turun drastis dan rasa nyeri hilang. Betterdays terbaik.

Mr. Jonathan

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Stabilize Blood Sugar

Gula Darah Tinggi

Baru kali ini saya mengerti keajaiban produk TBO. Hanya dengan 1 sachet betterdays dalam waktu 30 menit gula darah saya turun drastis dari 317 ke 203. Betterdays memang ciamik.

Mrs. Ayen

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Female

Benefit Standouts:
Lower Cholesterol, Lower Uric Acid

Kolesterol Dan Asam Urat

Betterdays hebat banget. Cuman konsumsi rutin selama 2 minggu kolesterolku turun 17% dan asam uratku turun hingga 40%. Betterdays memang jos.

Mrs. Rizal

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Female

Benefit Standouts:
Stabilize Blood Sugar

Terdiagnosa Pre-Diabetes

Saya di diagnosis dokter termasuk gejala pre-diabetes karena gula darah saya mencapai 375. Saya coba meminum 1 sachet Betterdays dan ajaib gula darah saya turun 51.-

Mr. Johny Gunawan

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Stabilize Blood Sugar

Gula Darah Hampir Normal

Setelah saya konsumsi Betterdays rutin, Gula darah saya hampir normal


Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Improve Brain Function & Memory

Konsentrasi Belajar

Nilai ulangan Jevon (10) bagus-bagus dan Jevon lebih konsentrasi belajar karena konsumsi Betterdays setiap hari

Mr. Suharto

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Smooth Digestion & Metabolism, Healthier Cardiovascular

Kolesterol, Kesemutan & Asam Urat Turun

Kolesterol, Kesemutan & Asam Urat saya turun setelah saya mengonsumsi hanya 8 sachet Betterdays

Mr. B

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Healthy Blood Vessels, Healthier Cardiovascular

Rasa Nyeri Karena Obat Kolesterol &Hhipertensi Hilang

Saya mengalami kebocoran ginjal akibat obat kolesterol & hipertensi sehingga pinggang dan perut nyeri. Setelah mencoba Betterdays secara rutin, rasa nyeri dipinggang dan perut saya hilang

Mrs. Hedy

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Female

Benefit Standouts:
Reduced Muscle Cramps, Increase body immunity

Covid-19 Reda Dalam 5 Hari

Saya positif Covid sejak tgl 8 Februari 2020 dengan CT Value 16.99. Gejala yang saya alamai adalah batuk pilek dan pegal linu yang tidak membaik. Saya coba mengonsumsi Betterdays 1 Sachet per hari selama 5 hari dari tanggal 15 hingga 20. Saya akhirnya dinyatakan negatif

Mr. Ronnie

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Male

Benefit Standouts:
Smooth Digestion & Metabolism, Healthier Cardiovascular

Darah Tinggi Normal & Maag Akut Pulih

Bebas obat, setelah saya konsumsi Betterdays secara rutin. Dulu saya harus sarapan pada pk. 6 pagi, kalau tidak maag saya bisa kambuh disertai sakit kepala. Sekarang makan pk. 11 pun tidak masalah lagi

Mrs. Liliana

Product: Betterdays

Gender: Female

Benefit Standouts:
Smooth Digestion & Metabolism, Healthier Cardiovascular

Maag Akut Membaik

Maag yang dulu saya derita memiliki komplikasi jantung, membuat saya harus dirawat di Rumah Sakit dan isolasi mandiri secara penuh. Setelah saya konsumsi Betterdays secara rutin, maag akut saya membaik.